Jurnal Sinta 4 Focus & Scope Management

Jurnal Sinta Focus & Scope Management

Hi Sahabat Pandawan ^^

Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini ? Semoga sehat selalu yaa^^

Kali ini mimin mau sharing nih dengan kalian beberapa Jurnal Sinta Focus & Scope Management yang ada pada Jurnal Pandawan^^

Jika belum tahu, yuk simak artikel ini sampai selesai yaa^^

1. Jurnal TMJ Sinta 3

Jurnal Sinta 4 Focus & Scope Management

Call for Paper TMJ (Technomedia Journal) 📣

Vol. 8 No. 2 Oktober 2023

Kepada Penulis yang Terhormat🙏

Alhamdulillah, dengan bangga Technomedia Journal (TMJ) mengumumkan bahwa telah meraih peringkat bergengsi SINTA S3 berdasarkan hasil Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode 2022 sesuai dengan SK No. 105/E/KPT/2021 yang diumumkan pada 06 Juni 2022🤩

Dengan ini tim TMJ mengundang untuk mengirimkan karya penelitian yang telah dijalankan untuk dipublikasikan ke dalam TMJ (Technomedia Journal) Vol.8 No.2 Oktober 2023 🤩

Pengiriman makalah dapat dilakukan secara online yaitu dengan klik link di bawah ini:

>>Link Submissions<<


>>Link template<<


Informasi lebih lanjut dapat diakses dari kontak di bawah ini:

🌎Situs web:



Telepon atau WA:

Pandawan : +62 857-7883-4017

💌 Email: tmj@raharja.info

2. Jurnal ATT Sinta 3

Jurnal Sinta 3 Management

𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐕𝐨𝐥. 𝟓 𝐍𝐨. 𝟐 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑

Aptisi Transactions on Technopreneurship (ATT) is a biannual open access scientific journal published by Pandawan Incorporation organized by Alphabet Incubator. ATT publishes original scientific researchers from scholars and experts worldwide with novelty based on the theoretical, experimental, and numerical framework. The journal publishes articles of interest to education practitioners, teachers, education policymakers, and researchers.

ATT provides research articles that include for these fields:

1. Technology and Entrepreneurship

2. Blockchain

3. Marketing Management

4. Business Economics

5. Management Information System

So what are you waiting for?❣️


Let’s Register and Submit your best manuscripts ❣️❣️


Publish on: June 30, 2023


Find Us❣️: https://att.aptisi.or.id/

Further information can be accessed from the contact below:

🌎: https://att.aptisi.or.id


Phone or WA:

Pandawan : +62 857-7883-4017

💌Email: att@aptisi.or.id

3. Jurnal ATM Sinta 4

Jurnal Sinta 4 Focus & Scope Management

Call For Paper ATM Vol.7 No.2 January 2023

APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM) Journal is published by University of Raharja. The journal publishes articles of interest to education practitioners, teachers, education policy makers, and researchers. This journal publishes articles in any management-related subjects and any research methodology that meets the standards established for publications ATM provides research articles, that include for these fields:

1) Information Management,

2) Business Economics,

3) Management Information System,

4) Accounting,

5) International Business,

6) Management, etc.

ATM also provides 6 benefits to authors, such as:

1. Indexed on Google Scholar, Garuda, and others

2. Have a credit score of 20

3. Can be used for promotions, functional positions of lecturers graduating S1 and S2

4. E-Certificate, E-LoA, E-Journal and Paper Bundling

5. Clumps of Science (Various Management Sciences)

6. Plagiarism-Check

Wow there are so many benefits 🚀What are you waiting for?

Let’s Register and Submit your best manuscripts now 🚀

Publish : May 31, 2023

Deadline submission : March 22, 2023

Warm regards,

💙ATM Journal💙

Visit Us : bit.ly/ATMJournal

Author Guideliness : bit.ly/AuthorGuideliness


Indexed by : SINTA S4, Google Scholar, GARUDA, Dimensions, Serpha Romeo

🌎Phone or WA:

Pandawan : +62 857-7883-4017

📧 E-mail: atm@aptisi.or.id

🌐 Website: bit.ly/ATMJournal

4. Jurnal AJRI Sinta 4

Jurnal Sinta 4 Focus & Scope Management

Call for paper

Dear academics,

ADI Journal on Recent Innovation (AJRI) Invites submissions of manuscripts for the latest edition of Vol. 4 No.2 March 2023.

ADI’s Journal of Latest Innovations (AJRI) provides a medium to publish scientific articles from scholars and experts worldwide related to Multidisciplinary topics. All published article URLs will have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

Our scope:

1. Management Information System

2. E-business

3. International Business

4. Technology and Entrepreneurship

5. Computer Science/Informatics

6. Computer engineering/computer system

7. Information System

8. Artificial Intelligence

9. Data Science

10. Software Engineering

11. Blockchain


1. E-Journal

2. E-Certificate

3. E-LoA

for more information you can access the contact below:

Website: https://adi-journal.org/index.php/ajri/index

Email: publishing@adi-journal.org

Pandawan : +62 857-7883-4017

Cukup sekian yaa sahabat Pandawan untuk sharingnya, semoga bermanfaat^^

Butuh Publikasi Ilmiah ? Pandawan tempatnya^^


Jurnal Sinta 4 Focus & Scope Management